Insurance Technical Consulting


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Trivia Time

Trivia Contest


Try your hand at this industry quiz.

The first five people with a score of 100% are eligible for five free hours of technical development. This time can be used for the agency, yourself, in a group setting, or individually. Pick the method that works best for you.

Take advantage of this opportunity to level up your skills and help achieve your professional goals.

1 / 5

In 2023, the US Department of Agriculture announced a new crop insurance program for which of the following:


2 / 5

According to botanists, which of these IS a berry (the others are not berries):


3 / 5

According to botanists, which of these is NOT a berry:


4 / 5

Which of these is not a stone fruit?

5 / 5

Based on a Roald Dahl book, which movie earned Randy Newman an Oscar nomination for Best Score in a musical or comedy?


Your name, email, and phone are required so that winners can be awarded. False information will be accepted, but such entries cannot win the Contest.

Responses will be tabulated in order of receipt. Contest ends at 5pm PST on Sunday, June 2, 2024, or when five people have scored 100% (5 out of 5 questions) correct, whichever comes first.

Current clients, or employees of clients, of Insurance Technical Consulting are not eligible to win.

Only the first entry for each person is eligible to win. By entrance into the Contest, each individual gives express permission for publication of his/her name, agency, and score.

This Contest is void where prohibited.
Current clients, and employees of current clients, of Insurance Technical Consulting are not eligible to win.
Sponsor is not responsible for lost, incomplete, late, delayed, inaccurate, misdirected, undelivered Entries, email, or failures or malfunctions of phones, phone lines or telephone systems; lost Entries, prize claims or transmissions; any error, omission, interruption, defect or delay in transmission, or communication; or other errors or problems of any kind whether mechanical, human, telephone, electronic, mail or otherwise relating to or in connection with the Contest, or downloading of materials from or use of the website, including, without limitation, errors or problems which may occur in connection with the administration of the Contest, the processing of Entries, or the announcement of the prize. Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to void any and all Entries of an Entrant who Sponsor believes has attempted to tamper with, corrupt, or impair the administration, security, fairness or proper play of this Contest or who is otherwise not in compliance with these Official Rules.

Your score is

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